Michael Pradel

Email: michael@binaervarianz.de
Phone: +49-711-685-88320

University of Stuttgart
Software Lab
Universitätsstr. 38, Room 1.211
70569 Stuttgart, Germany


I'm a full professor in the Computer Science Department of the University of Stuttgart, a faculty member in the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Intelligent Systems (IS), and a member in the Stuttgart ELLIS Unit. Previously, I was an assistant professor at TU Darmstadt, a postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Berkeley, and a lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich, where I did my Ph.D. on program analyses for automatic and precise error detection. In 2019, I spent a sabbatical at Facebook, Menlo Park. I have studied computer science at TU Dresden and engineering at Ecole Centrale Paris, and I visited EPFL for my master thesis. My work has been recognized through the Ernst-Denert Software Engineering Award, an Emmy Noether grant (1.3 million Euro) by the DFG, an ERC Starting Grant (1.5 million Euro), best/distinguished paper awards at FSE (2x), ISSTA, ASE, and ASPLOS, and by being named an ACM Distinguished Member.

Please follow these links for my research, publications, and teaching activities.

CV, Google Scholar, DBLP, GitHub

Recent, current, and upcoming service

  • ICSE 2026: Area chair
  • ICSE 2025: Program committee
  • FSE 2025: Program committee
  • ASE 2024: Area chair
  • ISSTA 2024: Chair of program committee
  • ESEC/FSE 2023: Program committee
  • ICSE 2023: Program committee
  • OOPSLA 2023: Review committee
  • ISSTA 2023: Program committee
  • ASE 2023: Program committee
  • ESEC/FSE 2022: Chair of doctoral symposium
  • ESEC/FSE 2022: Program committee
  • ASE 2022: Program committee
  • ISSTA 2022: Program committee
  • ICSE 2022: Program committee
  • ACM SIGSOFT Research highlights committee (2020-2022)
  • OOPSLA 2021: Extended review committee
  • PLDI 2021: Program committee
  • ICSE 2021: Program committee
  • ESEC/FSE 2021: Program committee
  • ASE 2021: Program committee
  • ISSTA 2021: Program committee
  • ISSTA 2021: Co-chair of tool demonstrations
  • ECOOP 2021: Program committee
  • IEEE TSE (since 2020): Associate editor


Slides of a few selected presentations. See here for talks on specific papers.