Islem Bouzenia
- E-mail:
- islem.bouzenia at
- Address:
Institut für Softwaretechnologie
Universitätsstr. 38
70569 Stuttgart
Currently a PhD student at the University of Stuttgart, advised by Prof. Dr. Michael Pradel. I hold an Engineering degree from Ecole Supérieur d'Informatique (ESI, ex. INI) since 2020. Previously worked as a research engineer in artificial intelligence and data science at the Multidisciplinary Institute for Artificial Inteligence (MIAI, GRENOBLE, FRANCE). I developed a strong interest for research work during my final year's thesis particularly in the fields of Machine Learning, Software/Systems vulnerabilities and automation. My journey of research is still young and I will keep you updated with my last discoveries.
- PhD student at SOLA
- Universität Stuttgart, Germany
- Research Engineer AI / Data Science
Oct 2020 – Aug 2021 - Engineering degree in Computer Science
- Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique, Algeria
Sep 2015 – June 2020
Research Projects
DyPyBench: A Benchmark of Executable Python Software (FSE 2024)
Islem Bouzenia, Michael Pradel.
[pdf] [code and data]
Resource Usage and Optimization Opportunities in Workflows of GitHub Actions (ICSE 2024)
Islem Bouzenia, Michael Pradel.
[pdf] [code and data]
When to Say What: Learning to Find Inconsistencies in Condition-Message Statements (ICSE 2023)
Islem Bouzenia, Michael Pradel.
TraceFixer: Execution Trace-Driven Program Repair
[data and scripts]
Other Work
Detecting Malware Using Deep Learning (Graduation Project 2020)
Exploring the Online Micro-targeting Practices of Small, Medium, and Large Businesses (CSCW 2022)